A-Z Index

Museums and Collections

Established in 1905, Northwest Missouri State University has a long, rich, compelling past and a vital, diverse, interesting present. The online Northwest History museum 旨在展示该机构的历史,并为游客提供一个了解和记棋牌娱乐和记棋牌娱乐教师贡献的窗口, staff and students.


Science Museums

The Northwest Science Museums, which feature the Geoscience and Troutman Collections, are located in the Garrett-Strong Science Building.

地球科学博物馆位于Garrett-Strong的一楼,以雷克斯暴龙头骨化石的全尺寸复制品为特色, 陨石展览和在美国各地收集的地质标本, including northern Missouri.

The Walter M. and Velma C. Troutman Collection位于Garrett-Strong的二楼和三楼,展示了令人印象深刻的北美哺乳动物, 是特劳特曼夫妇在1966年至1982年期间在国内外狩猎大型动物时收集的. In addition to gray wolf, elk, pronghorn and Kodiak brown bear, 特劳特曼收藏包括在北美发现的四种大角羊:沙漠大角羊, mountain bighorn and two types of Dall or "thinhorn" sheep, white and Stone.

For more information about the collections or to schedule a tour, contact

Missouri State Arboretum

Since 1993, Northwest has been the official Missouri State Arboretum.


该大学和玛丽维尔市因在玛丽维尔东部71号和136号高速公路交叉口的绕行项目而获得2001年社区奖. 该奖项由密苏里城市和社区林业咨询委员会以及密苏里保护部的林业部门颁发给密苏里植物园.

植物园是为了教育或科学目的而种植树木和其他植物的地方. On the Northwest campus, more than 1,300 trees provide spring flowers, summer shade, fall colors and winter shelter.

The variety of tree species at Northwest provides education on many levels. Faculty use the trees to teach biology and botany. 想要种植树苗的当地居民可以先来学校看看成熟的树苗再做决定.

Warren Stucki Museum of Broadcasting


由退休无线电工程师Warren Stucki的个人收藏创建,并扩大了密苏里州和爱荷华州无线电爱好者捐赠的文物, 博物馆追溯了有线和无线通信的发展,从电报到无线电的“黄金年代”,再到现在的数字时代.

On seeing the collection of approximately 30 vintage radio sets, visitors often reminisce about "grandpa's" radio or "when we got our first TV.博物馆还设有几个互动式显示器,游客可以在上面敲出摩尔斯电码, hear old-time radio dramas and commercials, 聆听富兰克林·罗斯福总统在一个正宗的20世纪30年代客厅控制台上发表的第一次炉边谈话.

Other highlights include a working, hand-cranked Edison phonograph with cylinder records, circa 1900, 这是1924年《和记棋牌娱乐》杂志上的一篇文章,解释了为什么所有的农场家庭都应该在家里安装一台收音机, 用于创造“录像带奇迹”的老式电视设备和录音设备,以及二战期间年轻的斯图基在欧洲战区随身携带的军用收音机.

Archives and Special Collections

Located on the second floor of the B.D. Owens Library, the University Archives contain thousands of documents, 与西北100多年历史有关的照片和文物.

The library also contains a number of special collections, including the Hooper Civil War Collection, the Willa Cather Collection, the Lewis B. Mayhew Collection and the Charles I. Frye Collection described below.

For more information, contact the University Archivist at

The Willa Cather Collection

The B.D. 欧文斯图书馆收藏了小说家薇拉·凯瑟作品的完整第一版, 是由一位赞助人与西北基金会的资金匹配而获得的.

The impetus for purchase of the set was a gift from Mrs. Charles (Lela) Bell, 他是高等教育和艺术的热心读者和支持者,他对凯瑟作品的热爱受到了和记棋牌娱乐一位教员的启发. Mrs. Bell's gift was matched by funds from the Morehouse and Saville bequests.

The first volume of the set carries Cather's signature. To support this rare holding, 欧文斯图书馆已经开发了一个坚实的收集关于凯瑟的学术材料,从传记和注释书目,通过纪念品到目前对她的作品的批评.


The Hooper Civil War Collection

Tom Hooper, a Maryville resident and realtor, was an avid collector of Civil War memorabilia and writings. 在胡珀留给欧文斯图书馆的遗产中,特别令人感兴趣的是“联邦军队的官方记录”和“邦联军队的官方记录”," exhaustive records of personnel and supplies for both the North and the South.


The Hooper bequest totals nearly 400 volumes as well as artifacts and memorabilia. 这项遗赠得到了欧文斯图书馆目前馆藏发展工作的积极支持, which include additions of new scholarly works, videos and memorabilia.

The Lewis B. Mayhew Collection

欧文斯图书馆收藏了这位杰出的高等教育学者的全部个人藏书, Dr. Lewis B. Mayhew.

该系列包括梅休对高等教育学术和研究的重大贡献, 从他的指导中受益的研究生的论文,以及他为大量专业人士阅读和评论的书籍和期刊.

The collection came to Owens Library through the efforts of President Dean L. Hubbard, a co-author and former pupil of Dr. Mayhew's, and Dr. Mayhew's son, Lewis B. Mayhew Jr. Unique volumes in the Mayhew Collection are housed separately in the Mayhew Room. 标准作品已纳入欧文斯图书馆的主要收藏.

The Charles I. Frye Collection

In 1995, 欧文斯图书馆从查尔斯一世教授那里收到了有关地质学的珍贵藏书. Frye, 他在和记棋牌娱乐地质地理系工作了几年后,于1996年退休.

Dr. 弗莱对早期和稀有地质学教科书的兴趣导致他收集了大量的特殊作品. 其中最引人注目的是1834年版的查尔斯·莱尔的《和记棋牌娱乐》, which delights modern-day scholars with its hand-inked face plates and maps.

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